The Sound of Comfort

About “music thanatology”, a wonderful way of bringing comfort to people at the end of life, and our only Australian practitioner to date.

Playful Inquiry: Try This Anyway

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel, a colleague and dear friend of ours, is an ‘expat Aussie’ now living and working in the US. Robyn is also a highly experience practitioner of Appreciative Inquiry. Recently Robyn was asked to speak at TEDxNavesink, an independently organised TEDx event. As Robyn said about her presentation: The theme for this TEDx event is “Play”. It was […]

A Day in the Life of a Tai Chi Man

5.15am – Alarm sounds – have 3 seconds to reach over and turn it off before I end up sleeping in to mid day 5.15.03am – Success. Alarm off, out of bed. Huge effort. Shower and get myself ready 5.45am – Tai Chi practice – embrace the tree (standing) and then massage knees 6.07am – […]

Culture versus Strategy

A fascinating panel discussion on Radio National about ‘business culture versus strategy’ and some of the key points we picked up from the conversation.

‘Losing It’ In Training

There is a lot to gain when you lose it in training.