Trust is an Attitude

A reflection on what it takes to keep good people, the importance of trust and the benefits of developing one’s Appreciative Intelligence.

Appreciative Inquiry:
Brisbane & the World

It’s fun travelling interstate and overseas to run our Appreciaitive Inquiry workshops.

Appreciative Inquiry: What, Why and How

An interview about Appreciative Inquiry with Dr. Lindsey Godwin, Associate Professor of Management at Champlain College in Vermont, USA

Our Interview with Susan Koshy
… and the ‘Aussie Salute’

Our interview with Susan Koshy about our experience with Appreciative Inquiry – and a bonus demonstration of the “Aussie salute”.

Connecting Globally, Talking Locally

About a connection between residents of Australia and India that began in Belgium and was deepened in the little Victorian town of Warburton!