Training: How Sweet It Is

Jelly BeansSmallIt certainly is a hectic week; Sue delivered an Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry workshop for a government agency in New South Wales and I’ve just conpleted my sixth workshop in three days!????

I had two workshops to deliver on Wednesday and before the first one I was getting frazzled with all the errands and personal things I had to attend to. Usually I make sure I have enough time to relax so I can focus my mind on an upcoming workshop. Well, yesterday I arrived at the first workshop about ten minutes before it was due to start.

I quickly focused my mind and as the workshop started I relaxed into my training mode and at the end I felt energised as did the participants. It’s a feeling I appreciated for two reasons:

At the end of the day, after the second workshop, the words of the famous American entertainer, Jackie Gleason echoed in my mind, ‘how sweet it is’.

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