An ongoing journey ...
Looking through Chris’s list of highlights from our trip to the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference in Ghent, we realised that none of the great keynotes and workshops were mentioned!
That was not really an oversight. It’s just a sign we’re still absorbing and processing the wealth of information, inspiration and ideas they gave us.
It’s definitely an ongoing journey!
Suffice to say, for the moment, we very much enjoyed all the keynotes as well as the workshops we attended. And, as we continue to reflect on them and talk about them, we’re sure they will influence our work as well.
If you’d like to see them, webcasts of all the keynotes and plenary sessions are now available on the WAIC 2012 website.
You can view and listen to all of them, from David Cooperrider’s opening keynote, to Gervase Bushe’s and Ron Fry’s closing one.
For example, among other things, David shares the wonderful story of OAT’s shoes that bloom. Shoes that are not only made with minimal ecological impact from start to finish of production, but that are also completely biodegradable – and will grow wildflowers in fertile soil if you plant them!
Gervase and Ron explore the challenge of Appreciative Inquiry to find the generative, not ‘just the positive’, in our conversations and our work together.
And all the keynotes between are a very diverse collection of inspiration, fun and food for thought!
On the website you’ll also find a link to a Flickr photostream and instructions for how to access and download the PowerPoint slides from speakers and workshop presenters.
Chris, as one of the photographers capturing the experience, returned with gigabytes of pictures. We’re in the process of going through them and will be putting together a flash presentation or two – as we did after our trip to the last conference in Nepal in 2009.
We’ll be making them available to add to the WAIC 2012 site and will also be putting them here on our own site.
It may take a while longer to finalise these presentations, as we’re still editing photos and seeking permission for the accompanying music.
So don’t exactly hold your breath … but do watch this space! :)
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