Appreciative Inquiry: THE Question

A reflection on “the” question we need to ask ourselves every day, as Appreciative Inquiry practitioners.

Teachers Having Fun

Here’s a hilarious clip of teachers having fun. It was created by Mike Penney, history teacher at Abby Kelley Foster High School in Worcester, Massachusetts in the US. He was supposedly asking students what they thought were the highlights of the past year. But meanwhile, unknown to the students, various teachers were doing some silly dancing behind […]

Quotation – Leo Rosten

The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful …

Images from WAIC 2012 in Belgium

Announcing two new flash shows of images from our trip to World Appreciative Inquiry Conference in Ghent.

Appreciative Inquiry for Children

Planning a new program for primary school students, incorporating Appreciative Inquiry