Sydney: The Essence of Appreciative Inquiry

Essence of AILast week we ran our first The Essence of Appreciative Inquiry workshop in Sydney and it was very well received. 

We’ve run several here in Melbourne and there is a possibility that we may deliver an ‘Essence’ workshop in China later on in the year. Fingers crossed.

The Sydney workshop was fun and over two days many stories and insights were shared among us all.  And that’s what I enjoy the most about our workshops. It never gets boring because I never know when a moving story or insight will happen.

There’s a lot to cover and absorb over the two days, and the participants ranged from those who had a strong interest in AI to those who already use AI in their work. As Sue facilitated the various segments of the workshop, I was reminded that the extensive information in the workbook we provide also needed to be anchored in the basics.

In other words, the Principles and Assumptions of AI need to be a foundation when asked a question about AI. For example the other day someone asked me a question about AI and it made it easier for me to answer when I focused on a specific principle of AI that was relevant. But it was more than just stating the principle; it was about answering the question in my own words, making it meaningful for me.  

So the Sydney ‘Essence of Appreciative Inquiry workshop was not only beneficial for the participants but also for me. I’m looking forward to the next one and the new surprise or insight that I know is waiting for me.

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