28 Public Workshops – 4 States – 1 Deep Breath

Well, here we go again. We’ve added more public workshops to our schedule, which will keep us very busy for 2015. We’ve also added two new workshops; Chair Chi Training Level Two and Unleashing Appreciative Intelligence®. Here’s a list of the public workshops we’re offering: Chair Chi Training Level One Chair Chi Training Level Two […]

Culture versus Strategy

A fascinating panel discussion on Radio National about ‘business culture versus strategy’ and some of the key points we picked up from the conversation.

Ten Top Tips for Transformation

Giles Hutchins in the UK looks at ten tips for surviving and thriving in these turbulent and transformational times.

Trust is an Attitude

A reflection on what it takes to keep good people, the importance of trust and the benefits of developing one’s Appreciative Intelligence.

Enablers and Band-Aiders in Organisational Change

Two ways of implementing organisational change and the paradox in how they work.