News, Reviews & Resources   April, 2009
April Showers ...
Man and Woman under Umbrella

For those of us in Australia, April showers are a boon for our thirsty land. For our readers in the northern hemisphere, they're a sign of spring and new growth.

So in this issue of Starlink Extra, we bring you what we hope will be a refreshing shower of resources for you. :-)

But while we're still on the subject of April, you may like to visit Wikipedia for all you ever wanted to know about April Fools' Day - or All Fools' Day as it's sometimes known. And for a little jazz musical nostalgia here's a YouTube video of Mel Tormé singing "April Showers".

Sue & Chris
BJ Seminars International

True Tube
TrueTube Logo

The UK-based True Tube website is an antidote to the passive, voyeuristic internet world where there is a tendency to look, laugh, play & judge without doing or saying anything of any consequence. TrueTube promotes moral and ethical discussion on the issues that matter for your generation, to inspire you to become involved in changing the world for the better.

On this site you'll find a large and very thought-provoking collection of videos on several hundred topics. You can watch the videos and, if you wish, join the discussions.

Current themes are Body & Health, Community & Society, Crime & Punishment, Entertainment, Love & Sex, Race & Culture, Religion & Ethics, The Earth - and "Random Rant" :-)

TrueTube Logo

A few examples: Prison for Punishment, in which Junior Smart and Reepa talk about their experiences serving a prison sentence and whether it's the best form of punishment. Entertain Us, where teacher Alex Scoullos talks about why education should be fun. And Nick Stanhope on Green Items speaks of how even one person CAN make a difference to the environment.

Well worth bookmarking and browsing!

Spirit Boosters

If you're looking for a little inspiration or a boost to the spirit, here are several videos that could be just the tonic you need! Still shot from Validation

Firstly, a wonderful wee movie "Validation" that, among other things, highlights the power of positive words and a smile. Watch it - you'll find it's a great way to spend 16 minutes of your day! :-)

Next, a great TED talk from Barry Schwarz, who argues passionately for "practical wisdom".

Don't miss this inspiring talk from a passionate thirteen-year-old to the the UN Earth Summit in 1992. And as further inspiration for us all, Severn Cullis Suzuki's passion has remained with her in all the years since!

Painting by Shaun McNiff

Finally, Under Squam Rock is a beautiful video created by artist Shaun McNiff about his connection with the environment in which he lives and paints.

Shaun says "I like to think of myself as dreaming what I already have".

Think about that for a moment. :-) What do you already have that can inspire your dreams?


For some of the resources and links in this issue of Starlink Extra, we'd like to thank: Anne Hugo (Youth Field Express), Wes Kriesel, Graeme Draaisma, Marge Schiller (PCC), Jakob Hechenberger, Shaun McNiff, Pro Bono Australia and the team at Scootle.

Next Full Issue
April, 2009
Starlink #76
Useful Websites

Social Ventures Australia

TeachAde Online Community for Teachers

Scootle - Over 8,000 Digital Resources for Teachers

Excel Video Tutorials

Social Evils and Social Good

National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre

Bully Online

Victoria Council of School Organisations

Children & Youth

SuperClubs Plus (Safe site for children)

Adolescence, Pornography and Harm

Office of the Children's Commissioner, New Zealand

NSW Commission for Children and Young People

Taking a Look at Maths and Science in Australia

Screen Australia - Digital Learning

Relax Kids

From Our Shop

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